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Talent By Design

Talent by Design: Projects

Prepare Your Talent Roadmap

Understanding the link between talent and business outcomes rests on the strength of your analytics.  While approach and depth will vary, at its core the central considerations for getting a handle on your talent picture includes these steps:

  • Identification of the leader and employee roles, sought-after skills and success profiles that are critical to achieving your strategic direction and goals.

  • A thorough internal human capital opportunity analysis with a snapshot of your bench strength, core competencies and demographics.

  • A 360 view of the marketplace fashioned with your needs in mind – potential external talent is as critical as existing internal talent. 

As an outcome, we will highlight priorities based on business importance and deployment complexity, creating a strategy that enables the right talent movement and acquisition to give you a competitive advantage to achieve your distinct goals.  

Map a Sustainable Talent Strategy

Keeping your pulse on changing talent undercurrents will highlight any shifting strategic implications.  This is accomplished with a robust calibrated annual talent review of your leaders, managers and higher-level employees.  Beyond performance considerations, this presents an opportunity to generate an analysis of your succession plans, consider your leader pipeline, identify current talent alignment and pinpoint high potentials for stretch career assignments.   

The outcome of the annual talent review, along with a diagnosis of your broad employee populations, will provide real-time and continual transparency of your talent dimensions and give you the ability to capitalize on valuable insight—empowering you to assess whether you are staffed in alignment with current and go-forward strategies. 

In Sum

To put it simply – architecting a talent playbook will illustrate whether you have the right people in the right roles at the right time to achieve your strategy, with a talent pipeline, strong succession plans for key roles and the ability to quickly assess shifting talent dynamics.   Ultimately, it’s this strengthened intelligence that will guide those talent decisions that create sustainable capabilities in line with strategic needs.  

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